Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Heard the Bells ...

Five years ago, my husband and I attended an amazing Christmas concert with Steven Curtis Chapman and Mercy Me. During the concert, as a deep base beat and the melody to "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" played ever-so-softly in the background, they shared with the audience a glimpse of the events that had inspired the lyrics to this song, written by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow so very long ago on Christmas Day in 1864.

I was completely unaware of the origin of the song before that night.
After the concert, I investigated further, seeking more detail to the story. I learned that, in a very short time span, Longfellow had lost his wife to a tragic accident in their home, and his son had returned - critically injured - from the American Civil War that was devastating his beloved country.
I can only imagine that his faith was being tested beyond measure and his hope for peace - in his country and his own life - was weak.
Something changed on Christmas Day 1864 when Longfellow penned the poem, originally titled "Christmas Bells". Maybe it was the re-election of Abraham Lincoln and, with that, the possible end of the terrible war; maybe it was the relief that came from his son surviving; or maybe it was the churches that - during the war - would ring their bells on Christmas as a call for ceasefire, bringing peace to the nation, if only for a day.
Knowing the history behind the words has made this song become even more beautiful, sorrowful, haunting, and hopeful.
In many ways, it is a call for peace. Something we all hope for.
So, as the holiday season kicks off, I've been listening repeatedly to this very song .... take a listen to the Casting Crowns version, from their 'Peace on Earth' CD at
Wishing you peace this holiday season!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

In the Words of a 9-Year Old Boy ...

Sure, it's more complicated than this. But, when I ran across this gem the other day while re-reading and recycling Christmas cards and school projects, I couldn't help but think what a peaceful, fun-loving world it might be if children were in charge! :-) 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Missing the Glow ...

{click on picture to enlarge}

I must admit ... I'm missing the lights and sparkles and warm glow that Christmas brings.

I adore the month of December, when homes - inside and out - are so bright and cheerful.

Don't get me wrong ... once all the lights and decorations are packed away, I love that my house seems, suddenly, bigger and cleaner and more open than before.

But, I do miss the lights.

So, I thought I'd reminisce with photos of our annual trip to ZooLights ... so spectacular!

Is there anything about the holiday season that you miss?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yes, Virginia ...

I have a feeling the discussion regarding Santa is going to arise in the next year, maybe two, with our son. He's 8 years old, and asked - point blank - about Santa just about a month ago. It was at the dinner table, and his 5-year old sister was sitting with us, so we gave the usual response (and I distinctly remember looking down at my plate, rather than into his eyes, as I answered). He didn't bring it up again. His request from Santa this year was bigger than usual ... not one that Santa was prepared to deliver on. And, despite our best efforts ... a couple missteps on his parents' part may have him wondering again, I fear ... though, he has said nothing of the sort.

As I was thinking about how to handle that discussion when it finally comes up, I couldn't help but remember the classic book, "Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus".

I had never even heard of it until two years ago, when my mother-in-law asked if I'd ever read it. On one of her trips here, she brought me her copy ... purchased in 1972. A beautiful, well-preserved book ... with a timeless message. A couple weeks later, a brand new copy arrived in the mail for me. A gift from my mother-in-law.

I don't plan to read it to my kids just yet ... maybe not even next year. Time will tell. But, I think this is the one I'll pull out when they finally look me in the eyes and asked me the question, "Mom ... is Santa real?"

"Yes, Virginia..." centers around a little girl (Virginia ... obviously), who asks that question. The older printing of the book provides a bit more back story than the new printing, explaining that Virginia's dad, upon hearing the question, tells his daughter to ask The New York Sun ... because what they say is always true. So ... she writes to the editor of the New York Sun.

The treasured, timeless response by Mr. Francis Pharcellus Church, in the year 1897, was eventually turned into book form. And, thank goodness for that ... it is a classic and is as wonderfully relevant today as I'm sure it was back then.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Dear Costco ...

Thank you for the Gingerbread House you sold this year.

First, it was a bargain ... maybe $10, and well worth every penny.
Especially considering it came with the following glorious words printed on the box: "Pre-Built".

That would be the second wonderful thing ... there was no constructing required, save for a small tree.
It was all about the frosting and decorations ... fun, fun, fun.
It even came with a snowman and a gingerbread man. So cute.

And, here's the third and most wonderful thing of all about your gingerbread house ... it's indestructible.

We can certify this.

As we moved into position to snap a quick picture of the finished product - our children beaming with pride at the creation they had labored over for an hour - my son, who was holding the glass cake platter that now displayed the gingerbread house, slipped right off his chair.

In a split second, he was flat on the floor.

Somehow, he saved the glass cake platter, his arm held high over his head with the platter firmly in his grip.

But, the gingerbread house had crashed to the floor.

Amazingly ... the side peak of the roof was the only spot that sustained damage.
Minor, considering the 'earthquake' that had just occurred.

So, thank you ... for selling a product that not only brought joy to the children who decorated it (and the parents who didn't have to construct it), but held together through a fall that could have destroyed an hour's worth of careful decorating within a matter of seconds!

Please, please ... sell it again next year!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Al's ...

(click on picture to view larger)

Winter, spring, summer, fall ... there is a place I gravitate to no matter the season ... Al's Garden Center.

For Christmas, this phenomenal garden center is transformed into a winter wonderland, complete with freshly-cut Christmas trees, a stunning variety of poinsettias, gorgeous holiday decor, and winter treats ... like their exclusive Ice apples ... Fuji applies that have been left on the tree until just after the first frost. To bite into one is pure heaven ... crisp and sweet.

Do you have a favorite place that you love to visit, no matter the season?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Heard the Bells ...

A few years ago, my husband and I attended an amazing Christmas concert with Steven Curtis Chapman and Mercy Me. During the concert, as a deep base beat and the melody to "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" played ever-so-softly in the background, they shared with the audience a glimpse of the events that had inspired the lyrics to this song, written by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow so very long ago on Christmas Day in 1864.

I was completely unaware of the origin of the song before that night.

After the concert, I investigated further, seeking more detail to the story. I learned that, in a very short time span, Longfellow had lost his wife to a tragic accident in their home, and his son had returned - critically injured - from the American Civil War that was devastating his beloved country.

I can only imagine that his faith was being tested beyond measure and his hope for peace - in his country and his own life - was weak.

Something changed on Christmas Day 1864 when Longfellow penned the poem, originally titled "Christmas Bells". Maybe it was the re-election of Abraham Lincoln and, with that, the possible end of the terrible war; maybe it was the relief that came from his son surviving; or maybe it was the churches that - during the war - would ring their bells on Christmas as a call for ceasefire, bringing peace to the nation, if only for a day.

Knowing the history behind the words has made this song become even more beautiful, sorrowful, haunting, and hopeful.

In many ways, it is a call for peace. Something we all hope for.

So, as the holiday season kicks off, I've been listening repeatedly to this very song .... take a listen to the Casting Crowns version, from their 'Peace on Earth' CD at

Wishing you peace this holiday season!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day

Isn't it funny how knowing the story behind a song (or book or movie) can endear that song to you in such an overwhelming way?

I've always been drawn to the Christmas song "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day'. A few years ago, my husband and I attended an awe-inspiring Christmas concert with Steven Curtis Chapman and Mercy Me. During the concert, as the melody and a deep base beat played ever-so-softly in the background, they shared with the audience a glimpse of the events that had inspired the lyrics to this song, written by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow so very long ago on Christmas Day in 1964.

After the concert, I investigated further, seeking more detail to the story. I learned that, in a very short time span, Longfellow had lost his wife to a tragic accident in their home, and his son had returned - critically injured - from the American Civil War that was devastating his beloved country. I can only imagine that his faith was being tested beyond measure and his hope for peace - in his country and his own life - was weak.

Something changed on Christmas Day 1964 when Longfellow penned the poem, originally titled "Christmas Bells". Maybe it was the re-election of Abraham Lincoln and, with that, the possible end of the terrible war; maybe it was the relief that came from his son surviving; or maybe it was the churches that - during the war - would ring their bells on Christmas as a call for ceasefire, bringing peace to the nation, if only for a day.

Knowing the history behind the words has made this song become even more beautiful, sorrowful, haunting, and hopeful. In many ways, it is a call for peace. Something we all hope for.

If you haven't already heard them, here are a few of my favorite arrangements of the song:

Mercy Me, from 'The Christmas Sessions' (my absolute favorite arrangement ... unfortunately this upload skips a bit, but it's still hauntingly beautiful!):

Casting Crowns, from 'Peace on Earth':

Steven Curtis Chapman, from 'All I Really Want for Christmas' (btw ... the title song, which is about adoption, will bring tears to your eyes):

Hope your Christmas was a blessed one! And, Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Christmas Picture Book Must-Read!

As I've mentioned before, our household is a big fan of Karma Wilson and her 'Bear...' books. And, this is the very book that started the 'Bear...' craze in our household.

In "Bear Stays Up for Christmas", Bear's friends make a valiant effort to keep him awake for Christmas. Their efforts are successful ... but all that hard work keeping Bear awake makes Mouse, Hare, Badger, and the rest of the friends VERY tired. That's OK ... Bear's got them covered, and he works through the night to ensure a special Christmas for all of them.

The rhyming text is perfection, and the illustrations are so warm and cozy, it makes you want to snuggle up with Bear and his friends in his lair.

It's targeted to 4-8 year olds, but the pictures, lively characters, and catchy rhymes make it perfect for younger children as well.

If you're looking for a warm and fun holiday picture book classic for your family, "Bear Stays Up for Christmas" is guaranteed to please ... even when it's not the holidays (this is one we do NOT pack away after Christmas is over!).

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sweet 'Yuletide'

We were visiting one of my favorite places ... spring, summer, fall, winter, I can spend oodles of time at Al's Garden Center no matter the season.

Their store was a veritable winter wonderland. We were admiring the intricate railroad town. My son couldn't take his eyes off the train as it chugged by again and again.

My eyes, however, were multi-tasking ... watching the train, taking in the beautifully-decorated surroundings, and people-watching, when the most gorgeous shock of color caught my eyes.

I had to investigate. Certainly, this beautiful plant was only flowering during this frigid time of year because it was currently housed in the greenhouse.

I abandoned husband and kids at the train table and made my way over to the colorful blooms. It was a Camellia 'Yuletide' ... a plant that celebrates Christmas by blooming in December with big, bright red flowers and vivid yellow stamens that pop from a sea of shiny evergreen leaves.

Talk about a cure for the winter 'brown-ness' that has overtaken most gardens by now!

Sadly, I do not have the space. But, if YOU do ... run, go get one! Put one of these stunners in a big pot on your front porch and - voila! - your entryway is effortlessly decorated for Christmas! (The blooms last through February!).

Enjoy your week!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Real St. Nick!

In honor of St. Nicholas Day, which was this past Sunday (I know, I know ... I'm late! :-)) ...

Santa Claus … love him and the joyful spirit of giving he brings to Christmas. I believed in him for a long time. I don’t remember the turning point when I went from a staunch believer to one who believed in the magical feeling he brought to Christmas, but knew it was my parents leaving the goodies. I do remember, over the course of several years, having questions … logistical questions that made me doubt the whole flying reindeer, down the chimney story. But, I never expressed my doubt out loud or asked questions of my parents, nor did I transfer any of my uncertainties to my three younger sisters.

Fast forward to me as a parent … still loving the magical feeling that Santa brings to Christmas, loving watching my children excitedly pour over toy catalogs as they carefully choose what they will request from Santa, and feeling just a tad bit of guilt as they ask a million and one questions about the Man in Red! After all … I’m kind of lying … which, as we’ve ingrained in our children’s heads … is generally enough to put you on Santa’s ‘naughty’ list! Did my parents feel this way? They never said anything to me. My transition was just … natural. It just happened.

So … we are trying, gently, to weave in the true story of St. Nicholas. When I was in college, I did a semester of study abroad in Austria. I was so fortunate to be there during the holidays and experience the celebration of St. Nicholas Day on December 6th. On this day, children awaken to find their shoes filled with chocolate gold coins, oranges, and other special gifts. This day is a celebration in honor of St. Nicholas, a real person who lived in the fourth century and was the very model of love and generosity. While he and his generosity are believed to be factual, they sparked the larger-than-life legends and tales of Father Christmas and Santa Claus.

“Saint Nicholas: The Real Story of the Christmas Legend”, by Julie Stiegemeyer, is one children’s book that paints a picture of the true St. Nicholas via a fictionalized story. It’s a tad overtly didactic (I tend to prefer covertly didactic :-)), but that’s okay, it gets the message across. And, it has a great ‘Dear Grown-Up’ section at the end that nicely details the life of Nicholas, Bishop of Myra.

So … for now, we’ll read this book, talk about the real St. Nick … and hope that Santa and Saint Nicholas (a.k.a. the truth behind Santa) someday in the future meld nicely into one another without drama!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Little More Hopeful

"Peaceful, Snowy Christmas" by B, December 2008

Every December for the past three years, my son has gone to the ‘Share’ drawer of his allowance box and retrieved a collection of one dollar bills that has been growing over the course of the year. This year, his younger sister was inducted into the fun with her own, slightly smaller, collection of bills.

The sum doesn’t amount to anything earth-shattering - maybe thirty to forty dollars. We then head out on what has become one of our favorite shopping trips of the year.

We look for puzzles, drawing paper, colorful pens, pencils, and crayons, play-doh, sporty Hot Wheels cars (for the boys!), Hello Kitty jewelry (for the girls!), cozy socks, and whatever else strikes us as something that might be fun or useful for the patients at one of our local children’s hospitals or for the kids that will be chosen as part of Operation Christmas Child.

Our children get to choose the cause. And, while we may gently guide them to certain aisles of the store or give them little ideas, it is their money and, ultimately, their choice of gifts.

Every day, I give thanks for two healthy children and pray for children whose health, wellness, and safety have become battlefields they face daily. The little friend who is on his eighth round of chemotherapy for a brain tumor; the young classmate who lost all of her beautiful curls to the poisons trying to kill the leukemia; and the innocent toddler who can’t yet defend himself against a parent’s anger and lack of self-control.

I feel helpless. I can’t take the cancer away and I can’t shield them from being hurt by someone who is supposed to protect them. So I pray … alone, and then with my children, so they gain a sense of appreciation for being healthy and safe, and a desire to help those who are struggling with the opposite.

That desire to help is what our shopping trip is all about. After they have made their purchases, we drive to the hospital or the designated Operation Christmas Child drop-off site, where they pass the treasures along to a representative of the organization.

We don’t get to see any of the children that receive the toys, but we hope the gifts bring smiles and glimpses of joy to their faces on Christmas morning. Our gifts may be small in number, but they are a tangible way of feeling just a little less helpless and a little more hopeful. And, they are a way to celebrate love and generosity … the true spirit of Christmas.

Friday, January 2, 2009

On the 9th Day of Christmas

Happy 2009! Every year, I forget that the 12 Days of Christmas doesn't fall on the first twelve days of December; nor on the twelve days leading up to December 25 ... but, rather, begins ON December 25, lasting through January 5 ... which is then followed by Epiphany on January 6. My New Year's resolution this year is to remember this little tidbit come December 2009!

Remembering this fact about Christmas made me happy. Personally, I don't like the thought of all the happiness, peacefulness, generosity, thoughtfulness, and kindness ending abruptly on December 26. I like the thought of Christmas (and all of its wonderful qualities) 'officially' spilling into the New Year. I'd like to think that people could just act like it's Christmas ALL year long ... doling out extra smiles, giving generously just because it seems like someone needs a little something special ... all that good stuff.

I'm not sure everyone sees things the same way, as was slightly evidenced when we ventured to Target the other day. The parking lot was FULL of cars which, for some reason I can't quite explain, surprised me. Drivers swerved quickly into coveted parking spots, ensuring they made it there before the driver coming from the opposite direction. And the line of people waiting to return Christmas gifts ... I didn't see a whole bunch of extra smiles. We were just there for deodorant and laundry detergent. I actually debated, for a moment, whether the potential for B.O. and dirty clothing was worth maneuvering through the crowds. Those being my least favorite things, however, I decided to proceed.

Despite the fact that Christmas is still officially 'on' ... we took down our decorations yesterday. It was necessary, really, as we are traveling again this weekend for a Christmas celebration with the other side of the family; and, when we return, it's immediately back to meetings, work, and school.

I love Christmas decorations ... so, taking them down is bittersweet. I miss all the lights and sparkles they bring to the home. But, the clutter-phobe side of me secretly enjoys it. Our decorations take up about 4+ large bins ... so, removing that much from our house makes it seem kind of ... empty ... and ultra-clean. Not that the Christmas decorations make it seem cluttered or anything ... it's just that the removal of all of it makes the house seem more open than before.

Of course, my poor children then have to deal with the rotation of toys (see 'clutter-phobe' comment above). Obviously ... there was sufficient 'in with the new' this Christmas ... and, in my house, that means 'out with the old'! Have you ever noticed that a toy not played with in approximately 9 months will suddenly become a child's FAVORITE toy the minute it's about to join the 'to be donated' bag?! It's quite a phenomena, and is currently happening in full force in my house.

Speaking of 'in with the new' ... check out the expressions of joy on these faces! Isn't that the best? Did you get a gift that gave you a similar expression this Christmas? I hope so!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Twelve Books of Christmas (at least in our house!) - Book 12

I know ... I'm getting this one in just under the wire! It's the middle of the night, and we're in the midst of packing for a trip we will hopefully be taking tomorrow, provided the road we need to drive on to "... be home for Christmas" stays open amidst a gazillion inches of snow and freezing rain!

I couldn't think of a better book to end the Twelve Books of Christmas with than this one ... "Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus". I had never even heard of it until about three weeks ago, when my mother-in-law asked if I'd ever read it. On one of her trips here, she brought me her copy ... purchased in 1972. A beautiful, well-preserved book ... with a timeless message.

Today ... this very book arrived in the mail for me. A gift from my mother-in-law. I don't plan to read it to my kids just yet ... maybe not even next year. But, I think this is the one I'll pull out when they finally look me in the eyes and asked me the question, "Mom ... is Santa real?"

"Yes, Virginia..." centers around a little girl (Virginia ... obviously), who asks that question. The older printing of the book provides a bit more back story than the new printing, explaining that Virginia's dad, upon hearing the question, tells his daughter to ask The New York Sun ... because what they say is always true.

So ... she writes to the editor of the New York Sun.

The treasured, timeless response by Mr. Francis Pharcellus Church, in the year 1897, was eventually turned into book form. And, thank goodness for that ... it is a classic and is as wonderfully relevant today as I'm sure it was back then.

Enjoy ... and blessings to you this Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Twelve Books of Christmas (at least in our house!) - Books 10 and 11

My family and I love everything about Christmas ... the joyous spirit, the generosity, the kindness that seems to be more abundant this time of year ... and, yes, Santa too! But, we also celebrate Jesus' birth as the reason for everything Christmas!

So, with that in mind, I'm doing a double-book-post today ... about two legends ... that of the Christmas Tree and the Candy Cane.

Have you heard the one about the Candy Cane? Not the joke ... the legend? It's so cool. A stranger comes into town, and sets up a candy shop (you can just hear the children's cheers!), where he introduces a mysterious, oddly-shaped red and white striped confection. The townspeople soon learn that the candy cane is a special Christmas candy because 1) it is shaped like the letter 'J' ... which stands for Jesus, born on Christmas day; 2) if you flip it the opposite direction, it looks like a shepherd's staff ... for the shepherds in the field, watching over their flocks by night; 3) it has red stripes ... representing the blood Jesus shed when he died on the cross; and 4) it has white stripes ... to represent pureness and sins washed away by the blood of Jesus.

In "The Legend of the Christmas Tree", a family in search of the perfect Christmas tree makes their way through thick fog to a tree farm, which seems to appear out of nowhere, and is operated by a kind, grandfatherly man who seems to have been expecting them.

They notice three large, beautiful ... and perfectly identical Christmas trees ... one of which has a lovely, silver box sitting beneath it.

The man explains to the family that the trees and the secret in the silvery box tell the legend of the Christmas tree. And so, we learn that 1) one tree has three corners, representing God in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; 2) trees were first decorated with apples and twists of bread to tell the story of the tree in the Garden of Eden; 3) Martin Luther then put candles on his tree to represent the story of Jesus' (the light of the world) birth; and 4) people in Europe then added beautiful ornaments to their trees, as a way to celebrate Jesus' birth.

After hearing the legend, the family is given the perfect Christmas tree ... and the beautiful silver box, with instructions not to open it until they have finished decorating their tree. Any guesses on what was in the box?

A star ... the Christmas star ... with a note that reads, "Just as the wise men found Jesus under the star of Bethlehem, may all who see the tree that is under this star hear and understand the true meaning of Christmas."

Blessings to you and your family this Christmas!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Twelve Books of Christmas (at least in our house!) - Book 7

Oh my, do we ever need our mittens these days! Ever since reading "The Snowy Day" ... the snow ... and ice ... haven't stopped!

This adorable book, targeted at the preschool age group, is a delight to read, and the pictures are so wonderfully charming.

On each page, children (and adults too ... go ahead ... feel the mittens) can feel the little boy's velvety red mittens, as he experiences the joys of winter ... catching snowflakes, throwing snowballs, licking icicles, and making a snowman.

And on the last oh-so-cozy page ... a picture of the little boy (with requisite steaming hot chocolate in hand), his red mittens, and his snoozing kitty warming by the fire.

A short, sweet, perfectly cheerful book! Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Twelve Books of Christmas (at least in our house!) - Book 6

Over the past two nights, each of my kids have requested this enchanting book. "God Gave Us Christmas" is part of the popular "God Gave Us..." series by Lisa Tawn Bergren. With a lovely message and beautiful illustrations by David Hohn, I consider it a perfect read for the holiday season. I would say it is aimed at the preschool age, but my 6-year old son enjoyed it as well.

The main character, Little Cub, has a lot of questions about Christmas including, "Who 'vented Christmas?". When her mother responds that God invented Christmas, Little Cub wants to know if God is more important than Santa. Her mother responds in the affirmative, but Little Cub is still a bit intrigued by Santa, and wants to find him. Her mother explains that Santa is quite hard to find ... but, God can be found in many places. Thus begins a polar expedition where Little Cub learns that God can be seen in everything from the Northern Lights to the melting glaciers to the flowers peeking from the ground.

Santa Claus is given props for reminding us about wonderful things like generosity and care, but the main message focuses on God - and Jesus - being the reason for Christmas.

A gentle, sweet, and warmly illustrated story about the true meaning of Christmas ... what could be better to share with your little ones?!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Twelve Books of Christmas (at least in our house!) - Book 5

This book is special in our house ... because it's slightly magical. But, more on that in a moment.

I know this is not exactly a "Christmas" book, but it sort of is ... winter, delicate snowflakes falling from the sky, enough snow to sled and build a snowman ... what could be more Christmasy than that (think "Frosty the Snowman" ... "Dashing Through the Snow" ... "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow"!)?

"The Snowy Day", by Anna Milbourne and Elena Temporin, is adorably illustrated and explains - in a simple and fun way - what makes it snow! And, oh, all the things you can do in the snow ... sledding and snowball-throwing and snowman-making. And, did you know that animals hide away in warm tree hollows and thick fir tree branches when it's cold and snowy? Oh, the things children will learn, all the while enjoying a sweet story and charming pictures.

OK, back to the magical part ... last year, my son (then 5) handed us this book to read and, after we'd finished, informed us that reading the book would make it snow that night. And ... it did! We were delighted to open the curtains that next morning to find our neighborhood blanketed in white snow. After that happened, the book automatically earned some magical credits! We've read it once or twice this year, with no luck. BUT, we're going to make sure to read it again this weekend ... according to the local meteorologist, we may just see some magic happening again this year!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Twelve Books of Christmas (at least in our house!) - Book 4

Who doesn't love Mouse, cautiously protecting his beloved red, ripe strawberry from the big, hungry, mysterious Bear in "The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear", by Don and Audrey Wood? The sweet, simple story and vibrant illustrations easily capture the attention of a wide age range.
And, how lucky are we that there is a Christmas version featuring our favorite characters ... with a twist!

In "Merry Christmas, BIG HUNGRY BEAR!", little Mouse sets out to protect his Christmas presents from Bear, just like he did with his red, ripe, juicy strawberry. But he then learns that, while Bear would love a present, he never gets one ... not even from Santa [gasp]! In fact, Bear spends Christmas alone, with big tears falling from his big, hungry eyes.

Well ... that does it ... this make Mouse quite distraught, and we see our timid Mouse transform into a brave and generous friend, as he trudges through cold and snow to bring presents to lonely Bear on Christmas Eve. He makes it to the cold, dark cave and begins his work ... adding bling to a tree and placing presents underneath. But, in the midst of his work ... he hears a noise that sends him scurrying for cover. Is Bear coming to get him? Quite the contrary ... Bear has left Mouse a present (a LARGE one), and - though we never see Bear - we know a friendship has blossomed.

A sweet story with stunningly beautiful illustrations that make you feel warm and cozy inside! A perfect read for a winter's night.

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Twelve Books of Christmas (at least in our house!) - Book 3

My family loves the "If You Take/Give ..." series by Laura Numeroff (illustrated by Felicia Bond). No matter the animal ... mouse, moose, pig, or cat ... you find that if you give them an inch ... well, you know!

The Mouse is back as the energetic main character in "If You Take a Mouse to the Movies", with his owner - a little boy - dutifully attempting to keep up and provide all things necessary to keep Mouse content!

Giving Mouse popcorn at the movies leads to a whole string of silly, holiday- and winter-related antics, where we also learn that Mouse can create ornaments and decorate a Christmas tree like nobody's business. Of course, the story ends after coming around full circle ... with the boy and mouse heading back to the movie theatre.

This and the rest of the books in the series are simply delightful ... guaranteed to be a fun read for both children and adults! And, this one in particular - with its snowy and Christmas-y scenes - is a perfect pick for the holiday season!