I think I was looking forward to this day more than my son. The minute I heard that his first grade class would be attending a Junie B. Jones musical/play, I promptly volunteered to chaperone! I didn't want to miss the chance to see a children's book adapted onto the stage!
I am quite aware of the Junie B. Jones character and have thumbed through several books ... but, I must admit, I haven't read through an entire story yet. Don't furrow your brow ... it's just because my son is at the age to be reading this type of book, and Junie B. Jones hasn't really been his thing. Now ... in a few years, when my daughter is in the first grade, I suspect Junie B. Jones might be a regular on our reading list! Actually ... after seeing today's play, it might be on my son's as well.

Theatreworks USA's production of Junie B. Jones' "Top Secret Personal Beeswax" gets an A+ from me. Yes, it's designed for Grades K-5, but what adult wouldn't be wowed by upbeat songs, fantastic choreography, endearing and hilarious characters (played by super-talented actors!), and a fantastic story line ... all packed into one hour?!
The challenges Junie B. Jones has to triumph over in her first grade year would make your head spin ... losing her best friend, Lucille, to Camille and Chenille (because their names all rhyme!); finding out she needs glasses; making friends with the new kid at school; dealing with Tuna Noodle Stinkle in the lunchroom; and not being able to compete in the kickball tournament due to a piggy toe injury! Oh my! Lucky for her, she can write it all down in her Top-Secret Personal Beeswax Journal.
It all makes for a very entertaining tale ... one with a wonderfully embedded message of how to deal with life's unexpected changes and new experiences in positive ways! And we all need to be reminded of how to do that every once in a while ... whether we're in first grade or ... well ... in our mid-to-late thirties! :-)