A couple years ago, Braden's Godparents gave him and Keiya one of the funnest children's books
ever written ... "Skippyjon Jones". Remember the "test" I spoke of in an earlier post? It passes with flying colors! It's a kick to read aloud ... especially when read at a quick pace with the best Spanish accent you can muster. Skippyjon Jones - a Siamese cat - has a vivid imagination ... which often gets him into a bit of trouble with his mother - Mama Junebug Jones. And, her nicknames for Skippyjon (Mr. Kitten Britches, Mr. Fuzzy Pants, Mr. Cocopugs) never fail to leave children in fits of laughter. Author Judy Schachner has created a loveable, laughable, entertaining little character in SkippyJon ... guaranteed to please readers of ALL ages!
I was reminded of this book and author yesterday, at the birthday party of our friend Ethan, who is now a big 3-year old! As he tore off the wrapping paper to unveil not one, but TWO Skippyjon Jones books, I think our family was more elated than anyone! My 2-1/2 year old daughter exclaimed, "We have that one!!", and my hubby and I excitedly began chatting with the gift's giver, who I was pleased to learn was also a big Skippyjon fan! Isn't it amazing how children's picture books can not only entertain and enlighten, but also create such wonderful connections!
If you'd like to visit the Skippyjon Jones website and join the Skippyjon craze, the address is listed in the links along the left column.

I was reminded of this book and author yesterday, at the birthday party of our friend Ethan, who is now a big 3-year old! As he tore off the wrapping paper to unveil not one, but TWO Skippyjon Jones books, I think our family was more elated than anyone! My 2-1/2 year old daughter exclaimed, "We have that one!!", and my hubby and I excitedly began chatting with the gift's giver, who I was pleased to learn was also a big Skippyjon fan! Isn't it amazing how children's picture books can not only entertain and enlighten, but also create such wonderful connections!
If you'd like to visit the Skippyjon Jones website and join the Skippyjon craze, the address is listed in the links along the left column.